Generally, the greater the amount of oxidative stress in your body the faster you'll age. They did this by measuring the levels of DNA oxidative damage that occurred in the animals over 16 weeks of feeding them either royal jelly or nothing. Researchers at the Fujisaki Institute in Okayama Japan recently set out to investigate the effect of Royal Jelly on the life span of mice. Up until now, only calorie restriction and possibly resveratrol (the compound in wine) have been shown to absolutely extend life span in multiple species, including humans. Royal Jelly Extends Life Span?Įmerging research is really beginning to point to Royal Jelly as a life-extending nutrient.

I recommend taking 4 - 6 RJ capsules or a half teaspoon of fresh RJ per day to promote healthier blood pressure levels. Unfortunately, they have tremendous side effects. Hypertension drugs are among the most prescribed drugs in the world. Of the dozens and dozen of royal jelly health benefits, this particular benefit could potentially save our health care system the most money. They concluded that the intake of RJ peptides, as a functional food would be beneficial for improving blood pressure in people with hypertension. Giving the rats only a single dose of RJ orally, the researchers found that systolic blood pressure was reduced by just this one dose for eight hours.

A group of researchers in Japan investigated the effect of certain peptides found in Royal Jelly on rats with elevated blood pressure.